Wild flora

Latin name : Smyrnium olusatrum
Uses : Tall mediterranean plant the smell of which is characteristic, imported by the Romans, fully aromatic edible plant Its root can be eaten like fennel, leaves like spinach and seed like pepper
Bittersweet or Nightshade

Latin name :Solanum dulcamara
Uses : Toxic plant
Joint pains treatment; homeopathic treatment associated with dampness
Black nightshade

Latin name : Solanum nigrum
Uses : Solanaceae Class
Sharp flowers, prominent yellow stamens
Green berries becoming dark
Toxic plant

Latin name :Arctium lappa
Uses : Dermatosis, acne, insects stings or bites treatment
Common Bird's-foot-trefoil

Latin name :Lotus corniculatus
Uses : Sedative and relaxing
Common Mallow

Latin name :Malva sylvestris
Utilisation : Edible plant: its young leaves, floral buds and flowers can be eaten Medicinal plant: its leaves and flowers soothe coughing. External use: skin soothing and moisturizing, abcess and boil relieving.
Mouth ulcers and gum diseases relieving
Common Marjaran

Latin name : Origanum majorana
Uses : Aromatic plant which flavours dishes
Sedative and soothing plant; digestion bettering
Common Nettle

Latin name :Urtica dioica
Uses : High A, B2, C, E vitamin, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium content
Tonic, diuretic, depurative, anti-rheumatic and anti-haemorrhagic plant
Edible plant: soups, tarts, quiches, herbal teas are much appreciated
Bio-farming: its nettle-slurry eases the plants growing and fights parasites.

Latin name : Symphytum officinalis
Uses : Its root brings healing, anti-inflammatory actions

Latin name : Bellis perennis
Uses : Its oily maceration carries tone and firming improvements to skin

Latin name : Taraxacum officinalis
Uses : Depurative, diuretic features to enforce liver and kidneys functions

Latin name :Sambucus nigra
Uses: the flowers increase bronchial secretions
Flowers , berries, and bark have diuretic and laxative effects.
A fermented drink can be made from its berries
Evening primrose

Latin name :Oenothera biennis
Uses : This medicinal plant seed produce an oil which softens skin, fluidizes blood circulatory and stimulates overall; high 3-omega content
Edible plant: its young leaves and flowers can be eaten uncooked unlike the root which must be eaten cooked
Everlasting flower

Latin name : Helichrysum arenaria
Uses : Aromatic plant : it flavours some dishes and keeps off mites inside wardrobes. Medicinal plant: its essential oil can be extracted from and relieves injuries, blows and shocks, thanks to its anti-inflammatory quality

Latin name :Foeniculum vulgare
Uses : Aromatic, edible, medicinal plant which flavours dishes, betters digestion and stomachaches. Anti-spasmodic feature which relieves muscle pains As a galactogenetic plant, it enforces breast milk. An essential oil can be extracted from
Garlic mustard

Latin name : Allaria petiolata
Uses : With its Garlic savour, this plant can be eaten as condiment
Germander Speedwell

Latin name :Veronica officinalis
Uses : Cold, cough and skin deseases treatment
Great mullein

Latin name :Verbascum thapus
Uses : Medicinal plant: coughing soothing by external use and eczema, burns, or scabies relieving …
In the past its wilted pitched floral ramer has been used to have lighting
Tinctorial plant: its flowers produce a greeny yellowish colour to have one’s hair tinted as it was done in the past
Greater celandine

Latin name : Chelidonium majus
Uses : Biliary secretion increasing. Warts and corns are relieved by its latex

Latin name : Crataegus monogyna
Uses : Medicinal plant: Stimulating cardiovascular action to treat heart and bloodvessels in the same time. Sedative action to fight the sleep troubles Its red berries are called haws, and jams or cakes can be cooked from

Latin name :Viola tricolor
Uses : Expectorant, easing, emollient qualities; coughing treatment

Latin name :Calendula officinalis
Uses : skin problems such as inflammation, scarring, dermatosis treatment
Digestion bettering
Marine Camomile

Latin name : Matricaria maritima
Uses : It looks like German Camomile (Matricaria recutita)
Its decoction helps rinsing hair and gives it nice lights
The sensitive skin can be soothed in case of rudinesses, allergies… .
Marsh mallow

Latin name :Althea officinalis
Uses :Medicinal plant: its root, leaves and flowers can be used. Coughing and respiratory tracts treatment, sore throats garglings, diarrhoeas and stomachaches improving

Latin name :Ononis spinosa
Uses : diuretic plant
Ribwort Plantain

Latin name : Plantago lanceolata
Uses : Medicinal plant: antiseptic and healing qualities
colds treatment; the freshly cut plant can be applied on common nettle or insects stings
Edible plant: its young leaves can be snipped on lettuces

Latin name :Roquette Diplotaxis
Uses : Edible plant: its young leaves and flowers can be eaten, peppery tasting leaves and honey-sweetened flowers
Medicinal plant: stimulating, anti-scorbutic, depurative features; high C-vitamin content

Latin name:Cistus ladaniferus
Uses : Haemostatic plant used to fight bleedings and micro-cuts like cuts with a razor for instance.
It is used for healing and restoring skin as well as wounds, cuts and acne sufferings.
Bettering micro-circulation.
Saint John's wort

Latin name :Hypericum perforatum
Uses : When looking at leaves by the light, small translucent glands appear making a crowded perforations feeling. Nervous breakdowns relief Its extracted oil can be used to treat sunburns or whatever burn. Care of photosensitizing.
Tinctorial plant: flowers produce a reddish-brown colour while the whole plant gives a brown-yellow colour
Sea fennel

Latin name :Crithmum maritimum
Uses : High-grade of mineral salts and C-vitamin, it is also called ‘stone-drill’ because of growing right on rocks and sea-cliffs. Edible plante : strong lemony smell to flavour salads Macerating into vinegar like gherkins. Medicinal stimulating plant to have an aperitif
Toning and regenerative ability cosmetic plant
Diuretic, depurative and anti-cellulite essential oil
Shepherd's purse

Latin name: Capsella bursa pastoris
Uses :
Heamostatic, bleeding wounds treatment
Its young leaves can be eaten as green salad

Latin name : Euphorbia paralas
Uses : Toxic plant which provides a yellowish latex to burn off warts

Latin name : Datura stramonium
Uses : Toxic hallucinogenic plant
Medicinal plant : asthma and cough relieving
Watermint / Spearmint / Peppermint

Latin name : Mentha aquatica / Mentha viridis / Mentha piperata
Uses : Digestion bettering
Muscle relaxing
Bad headache treatment
Wild Carrot

Latin name : Daucus carota
Uses : With a high A-vitamin content, named the carotin. Medicinal plant: its root is used for its diuretic and stimulating action, which aids digestion and liver. External use: to treat the light degree burns, ulcers and eczemas. Tinctorial plant: flowers and tops produce yellowness. The essential oil steming from the cultivated carrot seed firms up skin and lightens complexion. The seed are also used to flavour dishes.
Wild rose

Latin name : Rosa canina
Uses : Medicinal plant: its berries are called rosehips, with a high C-vitamin content, they stimulate overall and also fight chills. Comestible plant: jam can be made from the rosehips

Latin name : Achillea millefolium
Uses : Aromatic fragance and tinctorial plant which yields yellow, green or brown colour . Medicinal plant used for its antiseptic, haemostatic and anti-inflammatory qualities. Used for healing wounds and bettering stomachaches
The foreshore marine animals at low tide
Anémone de mer ballii

Nom latin :Anthopleura ballii
Beadlet Anemone

Latin name :Actinia equina
Blenny or Shanny

Latin name :Blennius pholis
Brittle Star

Latin name :Ophioderma longicauda
Broad-Clawed-Porcelain Crab

Latin name : Porcellana platycheles
Common Dog Whelk

Latin name :Nucella lapillus
Common Grey Sea Slug

Latin name :Aeolidia papillosa
Common Limpet

Nom latin : Patella vulgata
Also called ‘bernique’ or ‘chinese hat’
Common Mussel

Latin name :Mytilus edulis
Common Prawn

Nom latin : Palaemon serratus
Common Starfish

Latin name : Asterias rubens
Common Top Shell

Latin name :Calliostoma zizyphinum
Cushion Star

Latin name :Asterina gibbosa
Dahlia Anemone

Latin name :Taelia felina
Edible Periwinkle

Latin name :Littorina littorea
Flat or purple Top Shell

Nom latin : Steromphala umbilicalis
Furrowed Crab

Latin name :Xantho incisus
Green Anemone or Sea Nettle

Nom latin : Anemonia viridis
Hermit or Soldier Crab

Nom latin : Clibanarius erythropus
Marbled Rock Crab

Latin name :Pachygrapsus marmoratus
Netted Dog Whelk

Nom latin : Nassarius reticulatus

Nom latin : Crassostrea gigas
Rock Goby

Latin name :Gobius paganellus
Sea Hare

Latin name :Aplysia punctata
Shore Crabe also called Enraged Crab

Latin name:Carcinus maenas
Spider Crab

Nom latin :Macropodia rostrata
Spiny Starfish

Latin name :Marthasterias glacialis
Sting Winkle

Latin name :Ocenebra erinacea
Strawberry Anemone

Latin name :Actinia fragacea
Thick Top Shell

Nom latin : Phorcus lineatus
Also called False Edible Periwinkle

Latin name :Psammechinus miliaris
Variegated Scallop

Nom latin : Mimaclamys varia
Velvet Crab

Latin name :Necora puber
Worm Pipe-Fish

Latin name :Nerophis ophidion
Yellow Round Crab

Latin name :Eriphia verrucosa