Educational visit of an oysterfarming port or a fishing port

Different species of fishes, crustaceans, shells from sea to plate
Training objectives :
. To discover the oysterfarmer or fisherman profession and their skills of working
. To understand how to succeed managing eco-responsible ports
. To be aware of the measures plans to take in ports in order to fight the marine pollution
. Outing duration: 2 Hours
. Spots : The oysterfarming port at Le Château d’Oléron and the fishing port at La Cotinière
. School standards :
Appropriate teaching within primary-school to A-level.
Guided tour of a salt marsh

Flower of salt, coarse salt, salt bearing plants, you are to break all the mysteries of sea salt
Training objectives :
. To learn how a salt marsh works and its wild plants which are growing in the moist areas
. To discover the major utilities of salt
. To be aware of the appropriate behaviours to environment
. Outing duration: 2 Hours
. Spot : Grand Village salt marshes Port. From april to october, better to visit on wednesday so as to take the opportunity of entering the salt loft.
. School standards : Appropriate teaching within primary-school to A-level.
Home-made nature workshops

Enjoy completing one’s natural everyday consuming products
Training objectives :
. To train up technical skills in order to complete by oneself one’s own cosmetic or either natural products. Each trainee leaves with his/her own preparation.
. To become aware of using safe natural products instead of petrochemistry ones as most as possible in order to keep healthy.
. To learn how to retrain and at the same time less to waste ( the main objective equals nothing to waste)
. Outing duration: 1 hour to 1 hour 1/2
. Spot : Areas to be chosen
. School standards : Appropriate teaching within primary-school to A-level ( 15 trainees group, eventually divising the class up in 2 sessions 1 hour each).
The waste and the marine pollution

Sea must not be used for a dustbin, 75% of the waste being cast to sea are issued inland
Training objectives :
. To be aware of the marine pollution bound to the human activities and also its harmfulness for marine species.
. To become aware of the solutions and action plans to remedy for the oceans pollution.
. To learn how to apply the appropriate behaviours to preserve the earth safeness.
. Outing duration: 2 Hours
. Spot : Either in classroom or outside picking up the waste in a beach before making a Land’Art creation thanks to the low tidemarks which are found there.
. School standards : Appropriate teaching within primary-school to A-level.
'Forest and dune' outing

Taking time to listen to, smell, touch, examine a genuine forest and dune landscape
Training objectives :
. To discover both eco-system and birth of forest and dune: trees species, very useful plants, strange animals and their tracks
. To understand how the dunes work shaping the landscape
. To be aware of the climatic change and its consequences.
. Outing duration: 2 Hours – 2 hours 1/2
. Spot : Several areas to be chosen.
. School standards : Appropriate teaching within nursery-school to A-level. Pedagogical equipments are supplied during the outing.
Ecological leisure foreshore shellfish collection

Feet and handed into seawater for discovering an exceptional marine universe
Training objectives :
. To discover and identify the various animals and plants species at low tide.
. To understand how this eco-system works .
. To be aware of the appropriate behaviours to Environment.
Equipment : buckets lending. Compulsory wearing sensible closed waterproof boots or shoes.
. School standards : Appropriate teaching within nursery-school to A-level.
. Spot : According to the low tides
. Outing duration: 2 hours
Educational treasure hunting

A pedagogical and enjoying outing looking for a treasure among remarkable natural beauty spots
Training objectives :
. To discover the profuseness of biodiversity by an enjoying and modern way thanks to a missions-booklet and a particular tools filled detective-bag.
. To learn how the natural spots take a major part in the stakes of environment protection.
. To find one’s bearings by seeking GPS-waymarks .
. Outing duration: 2 Hours – 2 hours 1/2
. Spots : The citadel of Le Château d’Oléron, as well as the pine-forest in Boyardville
. School standards : Appropriate teaching within primary-school to A-level. For nursery-school pupils educational appropriate games are supplied.
Ostreo game

Field study and geocaching yourselves game upon Environment and Oysters farming at Le Château d’Oléron seaport.
The game kit up to 4/5 persons includes the carrying out notebook and the helpful tools such as a shellgathering short ruler, a seed box, a specific card game, a degradation duration of the waste into the nature booklet, a three-dimensional pair of glasses.
The game kit can be charged at the Tourism Offices of Le Château d’Oléron or Dolus d’Oléron as it could be reserved by phoning for ( 25 € each).
Duration : 1 hour and a half
The discovery of seaweed

Seaweed as a wealth of the sea do protect a large marine biodiversity, and furthermore they provide mankind with so many activities.
Training objectives :
. To discover the profuseness of the foreshore biodiversity at low tide and learn how the marine species grow among seaweed
. To study seaweed by a scientific approach
. To learn how seaweed take a major part in the marine life and also their industrial, alimentary, cosmetic ,… uses.
. Outing duration: 2 hours 1/2
. Spot : Either in classroom or in a rocky foreshore outing
. School standards : Appropriate teaching within primary-school to A-level